12/7 The night before

It's exciting to think that tomorrow we'll be in Canada, reunited with other ISAMR students and presenting our posters we've worked so hard on to other researchers. Tomorrow will be a long day for us Park kids- my alarm is set for 3:30 am. I can't wait to see what comes out of the research we'll listen to, the partnerships we'll form, and the brainstorming we'll do. For example, the name ISAMR itself was thought of in 2013 at an ISAMR meeting in Winnipeg while we were gathered for the Wapusk Symposium conference. As any day of ISAMR travel tends to be, tomorrow will be long, but I'm sure it will be worthwhile. Remember to check the blog throughout for updates, pictures, and (maybe) some vlogging!

If you want to check out more info about the actual conference, here's the link: http://www.arcticnetmeetings.ca/asm2015/

If you want to see the permafrost poster we'll be presenting you can find it here along with some past posters: Permafrost Poster 2015

Hopefully we'll get the Whisker Printing and DNA posters up soon as well.

-Alexis Hudes '16 Park School